October Night Games

October Night Games is a digital tabletop game for 1–6 players about witches, vampires, dark magic, unspeakable cults, dogs and cats. The game has a unique gameplay, vintage silent movie aesthetics and hand-drawn graphics. 

In October Night Games, two groups of cultists confront each other: the Changers want the Outer Gods to amend our realm, while the Keepers are trying to preserve status quo. Every time the world stands at the crossroads, it is up to them to decide its fate.

The most known of those choices are done in the night when Halloween coincides with the full moon. But there are other important dates, like Walpurgis Night. Cultists accompanied by their animal familiars meet in a small town and prepare for the final ritual. However, the team affiliation of the players will be unknown until the final showdown. 

The game is inspired by various literary sources, in particular by Roger Zelazny, H. P. Lovecraft, Bram Stoker, Abraham Merritt, Robert Bloch, and Gustav Meyrink. The game’s rituals reference both real-life and fictional occult schools. All main characters are created with direct or indirect references to classic horror literature or movies of the early 20th century. The most important visual inspiration for the game were movies by Georges Méliès and German expressionism, especially Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Nosferatu.